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Advanced Interface Solutions
The company offers user interface solutions to solve common problems of man-machine interaction. To that end, we focus on two major new technologies, gesture-based interaction using projection-based displays and haptics. Our strength lies in the proven ability to approach commonly accepted shortcomings in the way users interact with computerized systems, and find solutions that are often surprising and unconventional, but always intuitive and very effective. [more]
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Ubiprojection Workshop 2010
Spotlight Navigation Fascinates Researchers
The first workshop (according to the organizers) for personal projection with mobile and wearable pico projectors, Ubiprojection 2010, saw our two Spotlight Navigation prototypes much acclaimed by the emerging community. Besides the original prototype from 2003, we debuted a demonstration of Spotlight Navigation running on mobile processors as are used also in the smart phone class of cellular phones.
Pervasive 2010 17.-20.05.2010 in Helsinki
Conante Technologies LumEnActive and Spotlight Navigation demonstrated
The eigth international conference on Pervasive Computing is held in Helsinki this year. Three papers deal with LumEnActive, another one with the 'sister technology' Spotlight Navigation. All our submissions convincingly have passed the highly selective review process. Spotlight Navigation is presented at the UbiProjection Workshop that covers applications of mobile projectors. LumEnActive is presented at the Pervasive Advertising workshop, and a poster shows, how LumEnActive is used by the research project SOFIA within the 'smart city' theme. Here we explore, among other things, how digital signage with LumEnActive can be utilized to signal escape routes in case of an emergency. LumEnActive and Spotlight Navigation can also be tried hands-on by researchers visiting the demonstration session of the main conference.